We view well-being holistically, encompassing body, mind and spirit. Join us and subscribe as we share insights, articles, and more.
Taking Care of Your Mental Health During the Holidays
“Okay – I have to pick up gifts for the kids teachers, what do they like? While I am here, I should probably grab some laundry detergent. Did I ever switch the laundry this morning? Oh – that reminds me, I need to change the sheets on the bed for before my parents...
How to keep your anxiety from spiraling out of control
If you’re reading this, you’re probably stressed. Never fear: We’ve dug through the evidence to reveal what science really says about finding zen—and holding onto it through tough times. Want to try meditation? Take better baths? Stop anxiety in its tracks? Welcome to...
Guarding against seasonal affective disorder in COVID winter months
With winter on the horizon, it's getting darker earlier each day, and temperatures are slipping. Seasonal affective disorder could hit particularly hard this year, especially after months of social distancing and limited contact with family or large groups. "Our...
Positive Student-Teacher Relationships Benefit Students’ Health
Teens who have good, supportive relationships with their teachers enjoy better health as adults, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. Perhaps surprisingly, although friendships are important to adolescents, the study did not find...
Therapists Predict How This Year Will Shape Our Mental Health
For the first time in my life, I’ve started seeing a therapist. My mental health had never seriously affected my day-to-day functioning before this year, even when it took a hit in 2019 after an immediate family member was diagnosed with late-stage cancer. But in...
Warning Signs of Mental Illness
Major mental illnesses such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder rarely appear “out of the blue.” Most often family, friends, teachers or individuals themselves begin to recognize small changes or a feeling that “something is not quite right” about their thinking,...
Eat Smart, Waste Less Clinton County (ESWL)
Nearly 40% of the food produced in the U.S. is thrown away. Wasted food is one of the largest sources of methane gas production on the planet. These facts, coupled with the prevalence of food insecurity, make food waste a big deal. The good news? It is a public health...
The Growing Mental Health Effects of COVID-19 for Young Adults
With school re-openings in full swing (or not), there’s a lot of uncertainty for high school and college students about what this next year will look like. Some students have returned to their campuses, only to be told their classes will be held online. Some are...
Is the Lockdown Making You Depressed, or Are You Just Bored?
There has been a lot of talk recently about how the coronavirus pandemic has unleashed a mental health epidemic of depression and anxiety. That the pandemic has amped up our stress levels is certainly true. Indeed, there have been a few highly publicized surveys...
Talking with your children about stress
According to APA’s annual Stress in America survey, many Americans—both adults and youth—report experiencing significant stress. While some stress is part of everyday life and sometimes helps motivate us to take action, adults can more readily identify feelings and...
Health Matters: Depression and Anxiety Rise During COVID-19
The summer heat has arrived and despite holding our collective breath, the coronavirus has not miraculously disappeared. In persevering through a shutdown, a three-phase reopening, and now an emergency ordinance to limit sidewalk traffic, we have learned that we are...
Summer Tips for Families During COVID-19
This summer will be different for kids and families across our region, as we continue the fight against COVID-19. Some camps may not be open this year, vacations might get rescheduled and families are still adjusting to social distancing guidelines. Child Life...
Tips for maintaining healthy sleep patterns during pandemic
Over the past several months, many people have been plagued by sleepless nights. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has created a perfect storm for sleep problems, including difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep and waking earlier than desired. This has largely...
What Activities Are Safe In The Summer Of COVID-19?
Summertime is about spending time with family and friends and enjoying outdoor activities. Getting air and exercise have long-lasting effects on your health and wellbeing, including immense influences on your immunity. So what happens this summer, when we are still...
BHSN Live – Episode 2. “Change for the Better”
Our YouTube livestream series that will feature members of our team discussing a range of topics related to life, health and wellness. Our second episode, "Change for the Better", will feature our licensed clinical professionals fielding questions submitted from...
BHSN Vlog – Inga, Positive Affirmation Paper Flowers
In our most recent installment of the BHSN Vlog, Inga, a clinician at our Center for Well-Being returns to show us how to make positive affirmation paper flowers with nothing more than scissors, construction paper and a glue gun! Creating paper flowers has been a...
BHSN Vlog – Alyssa Pullmain-Drollette, School Based Clinical Supervisor
In our fourth installment of our BHSN Vlog, Alyssa Pullmain-Drollette, a clinical supervisor from our School Based Mental Health Services program, shares some of the books that she has been reading during this extended time at home. Books are an invaluable but...
Fun indoor exercises for babies and toddlers (1-5 years old)
Days when you're stuck inside with a little one start to feel like time is standing still. Young kids, possibly more than anyone else, tend to reverberate in excess energy when they don't have an outlet for it — and in ways that really aren't pretty. Yep, time to get...

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22 US Oval, Suite 218
Plattsburgh, NY 12903
Crisis Helpline: 1.866.577.3836
STOP DV Hotline: 1.888.563.6904
Clinical Services (Plattsburgh): 518.563.8000
Clinical Services (Glens Falls): 518.926.7100
Centers for Recovery (Glens Falls): 518.926.7200