PROS is a comprehensive recovery oriented program for adult individuals with the goal of integrating treatment, support and rehabilitation in a manner that facilitates the individual’s recovery. Some of the goals of the program include:
- Limit inpatient utilization
- Increase employment
- Attain higher levels of education
- Secure preferred housing
Services within PROS
There are four service components that individuals can receive within the PROS program:
Community Rehabilitation and Support Services (CRS): Designed to engage and assist individuals in managing their lives and restoring skills and support necessary for being successful within their community. Some of the servicesunder this component include assessment, wellness, self-management, benefits and financial management.
Intensive Rehabilitation (IR): Provided individually or in small groups, Intensive Rehabilitation (IR) is used when the participant is ready to take a step toward reaching a specific goal that is difficult, or they need support to maintain progress they have already made. IR also uses targeted interventions that help reduce risks, involvement in the criminal justice system, loss of housing, or loss of a valued life role. If the participant has a relapse in mental health symptoms or substance use, Intensive Rehabilitation can help them focus on their goals.
Ongoing Rehabilitation and Support (ORS): Offering support and mental health treatment for employed individuals working in the community at least 10 hours per week. Ongoing Rehabilitation and Support staff can help participants manage symptoms that make it difficult to find and maintain employment.
Clinic Treatment (CT): A recovery-focused approach that can help participants overcome barriers that may be caused by their physical health, mental health and/or substance use disorder to help stabilize, alleviate and control psychiatric symptoms. Clinic Treatment includes nursing, counseling and medication management.
Supported Education Services
Supported education is designed to support individuals with mental illness to further their educational background. Possible goal direction may include acquisition of a High School Equivalency Diploma, pursuing an Associate’s, Bachelor’s or graduate level degrees, or vocational training.
Supported employment assists individuals with psychiatric disabilities in securing and sustaining competitive employment in the community. An employment specialist determines the readiness of an individual and refers him or her to the program. A job developer markets the program to prospective employers and assists in matching positions with the individuals. An employment counselor provides on and off-site counseling, job coaching, advocacy and additional support services, as needed.
Family Services
An approach for partnering with you and your family to treat serious mental illnesses. It is designed to help individuals by including their support system (family, friends, neighbors, clergy or others) in their recovery process.
Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment
The Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment (IDDT) model is an evidence-based practice that improves quality of life for people with co-occurring severe mental illness and substance use disorders by combining substance abuse services with mental health services.
Medication Management
Medication management is a service intended to help individuals manage their medications. With medication management, patients can take the right medication, with the right dose and at the right time, helping them avoid the dangers of incorrect medication administration.
For some people, simple reminders such as setting an alarm is enough to ensure that they take their medications on time. However, some patients may require consistent reminders and assistance. For instance, in nursing homes, residents receive medication management services from trained staff to ensure that their prescriptions are filled on time and that all medications are taken correctly every day.
Wellness Self-Management
Wellness Self-Management is a curriculum-based clinical practice designed to assist adults to effectively manage serious mental health problems. The topics covered include a number of research-informed approaches that are organized into a comprehensive and coordinated set of practices that includes topics such as:
- Understanding what helps and what hinders recovery
- Understanding how having goals helps recovery
- Understanding how your cultural and family background affects decisions about mental health services
- Practical facts about mental health symptoms, treatment, and causes
- How social support and using community resources help recovery
- How family and friends can support your work in WSM
- Developing and using a relapse prevention plan
- Knowing and using your strengths to support recovery
- Finding and using coping strategies that work
- Understanding the connection between physical and mental health
PROS might be right for you if:
You are at least 18 years old
- You are having trouble reaching goals in areas such as work, school, relationships and stable housing
- Barriers related to mental health and/or substance use keep you from reaching your goals
Need help guiding our Personalized Recovery Oriented Services?
Those interested in learning more about our Personalized Recovery Oriented Services should contact our program.
Hours: Monday: 8:00am – 5:00pm,
Hours: Monday: 8:00am – 6:00pm,

Corporate Office: 518.563.8206
22 US Oval, Suite 218
Plattsburgh, NY 12903
Crisis Helpline: 1.866.577.3836
STOP DV Hotline: 1.888.563.6904
Clinical Services (Plattsburgh): 518.563.8000
Clinical Services (Glens Falls): 518.926.7100
Centers for Recovery (Glens Falls): 518.926.7200