by BHSN | Apr 6, 2020 | 12-17 years, 18+ years, 3-5 years, 6 to 11 years, Adult Activities, Child Activities, Math
With many schools shut down to protect against coronavirus exposure, many parents have found themselves in a new role: teacher. So why not add some personal finance to your lesson plans? “This is the most amazing opportunity for doing things with your kids that you...
by BHSN | Apr 6, 2020 | 12-17 years, 18+ years, 3-5 years, 6 to 11 years, Adult Activities, Child Activities, Family Activities, Your Health
Your host John Krasinski returns to highlight some good news from around the world… and unveil the perfect #Zoom surprise for his new friend Aubrey. Episode 2 of...
by BHSN | Apr 5, 2020 | 12-17 years, 18+ years, 3-5 years, 6 to 11 years, Adult Activities, Child Activities, Exercise, Family Activities, Your Health
Mental ill health is disruptive, it can turn our worlds upside down, leaving us feeling kerplunked. Quite often, we might find ourselves having to make adjustments to our lives, to make room for recovery. It can sound counter-intuitive but developing a daily routine...
by BHSN | Apr 3, 2020 | 12-17 years, 18+ years, Adult Activities, Child Activities, Family Activities, Your Health
Looking to find something to make for dinner tonight? Jake and Rachel from our Outpatient Clinic have an idea (and it can all be made with what you probably have in your kitchen right now). Check out their cooking video vlog...
by BHSN | Apr 3, 2020 | 12-17 years, 18+ years, Adult Activities, Child Activities, Crafts, Family Activities
It’s been a hard few weeks, and you may be experiencing some stress, loneliness, or both. Playing board games with friends and family can be one of the best ways to feel connected and relieve that stress. But many of us are following guidelines for self-isolating and...
by BHSN | Apr 3, 2020 | 12-17 years, 18+ years, 3-5 years, 6 to 11 years, Adult Activities, Child Activities, Family Activities, History
Going into a self-quarantine can have many complex issues and complications beyond having enough food and supplies for two weeks. In terms of entertainment, it also probably means you’re in for a lot of boredom, a lot of Netflix, and a lot of browsing the internet....