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PLATTSBURGH — Behavioral Health Services North Inc. is set to launch a livestream video series, “BHSN Live,” that will focus on the intersections of life, health and wellness.

The organization hopes to engage with the community and foster discussion surrounding topics that effect their everyday lives, such as health, family, and current events like the COVID-19 crisis.

The first episodes will take a look at how individuals and families are coping with the unique challenges presented by the pandemic, according to a BHSN press release.

“At this time, when so many families are under so much stress, we’re excited to give our community the chance to speak directly with our team about whatever they may be dealing with,” said Liz Cole, BHSN director of operations and co-host of BHSN Live.

“Although clinical topics will be addressed, these segments will be down to earth with injections of humor and personal experiences.”

The series’ first episode, “Life Unscripted,” will be geared towards parents who are working from home as well as caring for their families, the press release said.

BHSN licensed clinicians will answer questions submitted by the public before the episode and field live questions.

People can ask questions anonymously through BHSN’s social media sites or live-tweet to #askbhsn.

Questions the organization has already received include, “Lots of parents working from home feel guilt when making sacrifices. How do I deal with this guilt?” and, “What are some tips for when I am at my breaking point?”

The episode will be streamed at 4 p.m. Thursday, May 7 via the BHSN webpage,, and on YouTube,

BHSN’s website and social media pages will be updated regarding upcoming episodes and topics.