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Adult Crisis Residence

Behavioral Health Services North, Inc. offers a Community Residence that provides 24/7 on-site support for persons recovering from mental illnesses that are in need of a structured living environment. The community residence is equipped with two “practice apartments” that assist individuals before transitioning into a lesser level of care.

Admission Criteria

  • The following are criteria are necessary for admission.
  • The individual:
  • must be at least 18 years of age;
  • is exhibiting symptoms of mental illness, psychiatric crisis; and/or
  • is experiencing challenges in daily life that create risk for an escalation of psychiatric symptoms that cannot be managed in the individual’s home and/or community environment without on-site supports;
  • has no imminent risk to the safety of themselves or others that would require a higher level of care;
  • is medically stable; and
  • is willing to participate in service voluntarily.


Childrens Crisis Residence

The purpose of a Children’s Crisis Residence Program is to stabilize a child’s psychiatric crisis symptoms and restore the child to a level of functioning and stability that supports their transition back to community-based services and supports to prevent or reduce future psychiatric crises. The Crisis Residence program will work to transition the child and ensure the receipt of adequate community-based services and supports to prevent or reduce future psychiatric crises. The crisis residence program provides 24/7 monitoring and supervision, as 4 well as intensive crisis treatment and support for the child, family, and caregivers to facilitate the child’s successful return home and/or to the community.

Admission Criteria

  • The child is under the age of 21;
  • AND • The child/youth is experiencing acute psychological/emotional change which results in a marked increase in personal distress and which exceeds the abilities and the resources of those involved (e.g. collateral, provider, community member) to effectively resolve it;
  • AND • The child/youth demonstrates at least one of the following: o Impairment in mood/thought/behavior disruptive to home, school, or the community, OR o Behavior escalating to the extent that higher intensity services will likely be required;
  • AND • The intervention is necessary to further evaluate, resolve, and/or stabilize the child/youth,
  • AND • The child/youth is not at imminent risk of harm to self or others.


Residence Walkthrough



If you are in need of immediate assistance please call 911 or the BHSN Crisis Helpline.

(866) 5PREVENT (866) 577-3836